Based on Physicists by Frydrich Durrenmatt.

The performance is about mental hospital, where three physics, who identifies themselves as Einstein, Newton and Salomon, are being held. The performance reveals subjects of sacrifice of the scientists, responsibility against society and the ability to change the future of the world. The plot is developed thought physicists experience, but same questions arise for other scientists, creators, politicians, businessmen. Matters can be found here – in our everyday battles against absurdity.


Premier: 2017 06 08 Molėtai Observatory

Director: Paulius Markevičiuts

Set design: Barbora Šulniūtė

Choreographer: Greta Grinevičiūtė

Sound design: Andrius Šiurys

Master of lights: Audrius Jankauskas

Actors: Milda Noreikaitė, Milda Petravičiūtė, Julija Šatkauskaitė, Eglė Valadkevičiūtė, Simonas Dovidauskas, Vygandas Vadeiša, Gediminas Rimeika, Laurynas Jurgelis, Jurgis Marčėnas, Martynas Vaidotas.